Last Week Before School Starts
Meghan went back to work this week. It’s safe to say that her absence was noticed, so it was a difficult way to begin transitioning out of summer. Adelaide and Marshall will both be in school together this year, in First and Kindergarten. But, our kids have been going to bed quite a bit later than normal, since it’s summertime. Normally, our kids go to bed at 7pm – or somewhere in that ballpark – and it truly works for them. Our kids play hard and they need their eleven to twelve hours of sleep.
Now, the beginning of this week involved many tears. Despite the kids knowing that mommy is going back to work, the inevitable response to Monday morning was not really a surprise. Our kids ADORE their momma and they were both so sad to see her leave. After the tears subsided, it was time to start the whole daddy daycare thing.
Forts of Solitude
First, I hate it when my kids cry. Even during my most “I’ve lost my patience” moments, it is absolutely dreadful to see them cry. I hate it when they’re sad, so Monday and most of this week have included varying ways to make them smile. Second, keeping them busy doesn’t mean that they’re prepared to get back to an earlier sleep schedule.
So, the kids had a variety of ways to keep busy this week. We’ve had reading time, playing “ninja,” where they try to avoid being seen (despite being obviously seen, which makes them laugh more), and there was a lot of fort-building. I’m not saying I’m an architect, but I’ll take any number of chairs, pillows, and blankets to create some of the most intricately awkward-looking things you’ve ever seen. Sure, we’ll call them forts. Well, at least the kids love them.
What’s particularly amazing is how well our kids played together this week. There are always moments when they bicker, which didn’t change this week, but they have an adorable way of just being kind and playing nicely. Now, that doesn’t mean that I’m always on top of the whole “having a ton of patience” thing. It may have been Meghan’s lack of presence that created an atmosphere where I became flustered at blatant moments of “I literally just told you not to do that.” My lack of patience might’ve also been a product of feeling pressure of trying to get things done around the house or completing writing tasks, but being unable to with their understandable requests for joining in their activities.
Sleep Schedule Patience
So, I can see that my kids handled this week particularly well, while I seemed quite flustered. I do admit I love when I can take them out for lunch or ice cream, as they get to pick what they want. Who doesn’t love choosing what pizza or ice cream they want?
As for the whole sleep schedule thing, it’s been definitely a trial of reducing their bedtimes back to somewhere in the 7pm range. The ultimate goal is to make sure they’re not exhausted to start the new school year. I hope they get enough sleep between now and next week. They’ve always loved school, so I don’t want a lack of sleep or energy be the reason they get frustrated or grumpy with classroom activities.
How has the start of your kid’s school year been? Do you have to adjust their bedtimes from summer? Share your comments below and don’t forget to head over to Facebook to follow our page.

Peach Picking
The kids loved being able to pick their own peaches at Larriland Farms, and they were absolutely delicious!

Our Family Loved Hershey Park
We took the kids to Hershey Park and they wanted to go back as soon as we returned home.