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Spice Up Your Easter Egg Hunt
If your kids are anything like mine, they LOVE to hunt for anything, especially Easter eggs. It can be October, and they want to hunt for eggs. Adelaide will hide the eggs for Marshall, and then he will find them and hide them for her. Endless entertainment…until they get bored with it. That’s when you have some alternatives at the ready.
Sneak in Some Learning
At school I have 4 sets of alphabet eggs. They have to find the eggs, tell me the letter and then match it to the correct container. They love this game, and I can see who knows their letters and who can’t match letter to letter.
Another way to sneak in some learning is to have either numbers or dots on the eggs. The kids have to count the dots and match it to the numeral or identify the numeral and match it to the container with the corresponding number of dots.
The kids don’t even know they are learning, because they are just playing and having fun. That’s a parenting win!
Scavenger Egg Hunt
If your kid can read, write down directions on how many pink eggs they need to find, how many green, yellow, blue (you get the idea). If they can’t read, use pictures! Something like this will do.
Easter Egg Games
Relay race ⇒ Grab some spoons and friends and challenge your kids to a relay race. Or see how many eggs you can successfully carry on a spoon to the designated location.
Egg roll ⇒ Use your nose, or your elbow, or any body part but your hands to see who can roll their egg to the finish line first.
Sound guess ⇒ Fill your eggs with some different objects that make sounds when you shake it. So, that could be sand (just cover the holes in the bottom), beads, coins, or rice. Have your kids take turns shaking and guessing what’s in the eggs.
Filling Those Eggs
At Easter time, the logical egg filler is candy. But really, who needs more candy or more sugar coursing through their kids’ veins. I know I don’t! So, here are some alternatives to candy for egg fillers:
- Money
- Coins will do!
- Sidewalk chalk
- They even make egg-shaped chalk
- Socks
- Undies
- Slips of paper with prizes listed (for things that may not fit in the egg)
- Costume jewelry
- Mini cars
- Stickers
- Erasers
- Silly putty
- Play-Doh
- Lip balm
- Hair accessories
Other Easter Egg Hunt Ideas
What have you put in an egg? Share your ideas in the comments or head over to Facebook and let the Winey Parent community know what other activities you’ve rolled out with Easter eggs.

A Super Easy Craft: Dye Those Easter Eggs
Nothing says Spring or Easter, like making a huge mess dying eggs with your kids. We used to buy the kits at the store and dip eggs, but then the craze of dying eggs in shaving cream hit. I’ve always been a little leery of dipping my food in soap before eating it.