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Doing Something Right for the Holidays
Sometimes, one thing gives you that sense of doing something right as a parent. I mean, seriously, how often do any of us feel as if we’re completely failing at this parenting thing? The feeling is always present, but this year especially has been challenging.
We’re in the middle of a pandemic. Not seeing friends and family in the flesh is difficult. All of it wrapped around the best time of year where seeing loved ones is so important. So, what do we do to try and offset that sense of blah?
We put up the Christmas tree earlier than usual this year. We’ll probably keep it up a little longer too. Decorating the tree with Christmas music playing in the background is a tradition. Now, we’ve also driven around to see different neighborhoods and their lights. The kids talk on the phone with their grandparents more often. We’ve done the occasional video chat with friends and cousins.
You know what’s also amazing? When friends from Texas order pizza for us to go pick up and then we have a video chat. They ordered pizza for themselves, too. So, our families ate pizza and we caught up on our lives, while we shared holiday themed jokes.
If you want an idea on how to have a relaxing evening, this one is a must!
Our Kids are Absolutely Amazing
Okay, onto what made our hearts melt. One thing that made us feel as if we’re doing something right. I mean, how often in the middle of a pandemic do you have that feeling of doing something right? We will take them any day of the week, so of course we had to share.
So, this is the card our daughter wrote to Meghan, Marshall, and me. If this doesn’t tell us we’re doing something right, I don’t know what will.
“Dear Mommy and Daddy and Marshall. Christmas isn’t just about presents and candy canes, it’s about the family we spend time with and the things we do together.
That is why I like Christmas so much.
I ♥ you.
knock knock
who’s there
love who
love you”

♥ Parents, you are doing a great job. Take a deep breath. We’ll get through this year. ♥