Painted Crafts: Reindeer
If you’re looking for a fun craft that will get a little messy, you’re in luck! Our kids loved having their feet and hands painted for these reindeer and Christmas tree crafts.
- Brown Paint
- Paint Brush
- White Paper
- Red Pom-Pom
- Googly Eyes
- Hot Glue Gun
- Baby Wipes or Wet Paper Towels
- Start by painting your child’s foot and placing it toward the bottom of the paper in the middle (you want to leave enough room for handprint antlers)
- Clean those feet
- Have wet paper towels handy so you don’t end up with brown footprints all over your house
- If you have carpet, I recommend putting something down under your workspace, just in case
- Paint the left hand
- Place it on the right side of the footprint
- Paint the right hand
- Place that one on the left side of the footprint
- Warm up your hot glue gun
- A perfect time to turn it on is while your kids are washing their hands
- After the paint dries, glue googly eyes on the heel of the footprint
- Add a red pom-pom on the middle toe of the foot.
Mix it up
Let your kids pick whatever color paint they want. This will let them stretch their imagination and create whatever color reindeer they want.
Painted Reindeer Craft Success
That’s it! Now, you have an adorable footprint and handprint reindeer. This painted craft will be a reminder year after year of just how tiny they were. Make sure you put a date on it so you can remember when they were that small.

Painted Crafts: Christmas Tree
If you aren’t wanting to worry about painting both hands and feet, this craft is just for you. You will only paint your kid’s hands for this painted craft.
- Green Paint
- Paint Brush
- White Paper
- Glue
- Various Colored Pom-Poms or Other Small Decorations
- Paint one hand with green paint
- Place his or her hand at the bottom of the paper
- Place 2 hand prints next to each other above the first placement
- Touch the fingers of the first handprint
- Continue the next level with 3 handprints
- Let the paint dry while your child is washing their hands
- Use glue and pom-poms to decorate the tree
- If you don’t have pom-poms, you can use markers or crayons to decorate the tree with different ornaments
Mix it up
As an alternative to pom-poms, markers, or crayons, ramp up the hands-on experience for your kids. Let them decorate their Christmass tree with fingerprint decorations, using different colored paints. Your child’s imagination will shine with this fun painted craft opportunity!
And just like that, you are finished. Also, make sure you date the pictures so you can look back on how old they were when they created these crafts. If you’re looking for more crafts, don’t forget to check out our Activities and Crafts page.

Making Snowflakes
Your kids will be blown away by what they can achieve when they start cutting sections of paper. Afterwards, watch their eyes sparkle when they finish this holiday craft.