It's Scary and Stressful
We’ve all watched the news and we are ALL greatly impacted by the coronavirus that is running rampant in our world. If you’re like me, you are feeling a lot of stress and anxiety. Schools are closed, grocery stores are jam-packed with people and barren of food and paper products. We are being told that what we do NOW will potentially change the course of this viral pandemic.
So, what are we, your Winey Parent team, doing during this pandemic? We are following orders and trying our best to practice social distancing. I still talk to neighbors, but we stand on opposite sides of the street. We will still go outside and play or take walks, but we will stay away from other people by at least 6 feet. We will develop some sort of regular schooling schedule while we are home because I suspect this 2-week school closure could go on for much longer. Despite the fact that we could really use extra money, we’re not going to watch other peoples’ kids. This is really tough, since I know there are parents that still have to work.
Okay, I know that was a bit of a rant. My anxiety is shining through in my writing. We are still in the early days of this pandemic and social distancing period. But here are my actual, real-time plans for the weeks off from school.
A Structured Day for Parenting During a Pandemic

Please Share Your Tips on Parenting During a Pandemic
Areas shaded in green also allow for parents working from home to be able to get some work done. The blue areas could also be work from home time if they are watching TV or you can work outside to keep an eye on them! Red areas should not be skipped—at least not the wiping down high touch areas daily. And the purple areas are the time when you finally get to make and enjoy that Winey Parent cocktail!
So, that’s the plan. Emphasis on PLAN. I will be updating how it is actually panning out once we actually start this. What are you planning to do with your kids over this unexpected, and likely extended school closure? I would love to hear your ideas. I know we are all going to have to work together to come up with new ideas to keep the kids occupied and learning, while separating ourselves from others. Good luck fellow parents and remember to wash your hands!
Bonus note: My class has gotten really good at singing the alphabet because I make them do it every time they wash now! Find something that works for you and your family to make the task a little fun.
Other Ideas for Parenting During a Pandemic

A Laugh for Those Stressful Days
If you're feeling extra stressed, check out our video of Travis making a cocktail, so you can laugh as he makes a giant mess.

Using Spring Break Activities Early
We created some spring break activities that you might want to dive into early with school closures taking place all over the world.

Amazon Prime More Than Ever
We've had our membership for many years, but we'll be depending on this service now more than ever for some of the essentials.