Winey Parent Talk: Maybe It's a Thing
This is a scary time and Travis shares his thoughts and fears in some Winey Parent Talk. So, hopefully this will provide solace to anyone needing comfort during these difficult times.
Meghan and Travis have been sharing updates on how they’re dealing with social distancing. Though they’re primarily posting videos, Travis shares his thoughts via podcast – because, you know – he’s such a talker. Head over to our YouTube channel to receive regular video updates. Plus, don’t forget to hit the subscribe button while you’re there.
Take care, everyone.

Social Distancing Activities for the Family
We've created a list of activities to keep your family engaged while staying at home.

Keeping Our Kids on Some Kind of Schedule
During our extended stay at home, we're trying to keep a routine to provide some semblance of normalcy.

A Vlog to Laugh About
Meghan and Travis started a bartender vlog to share some cocktail recipes. Also, it's a great way to watch Travis make a complete mess or fool of himself. If it helps you smile, it's worth it.