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Building Sentences: A Fun Activity
So, last week we decided to share some social distancing activities, which led to a fun egg hunt. We had over 150 Easter eggs and we filled them with various words. Meghan wrote out nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Don’t worry, if you need help with identifying what’s what, Google “parts of speech” – like I did. Trust me, I couldn’t remember what’s what, and that made me feel incredibly bright, particularly since I make a living as a writer.
This activity is easy and the game component makes it loads of fun for our kids. Adelaide and Marshall have been asking to hide and find eggs almost every single day. We don’t add in the sentence building all of the time, but it’s a great way to change up this activity. So, write some words down, add them to Easter eggs or some other container, and then your kids are off. They’ll find eggs and then their imagination will present a magical experience. If you’re looking for a funny experience, make sure to add some words into the mix that will make your kids laugh.

Words for Building Sentences
Take a look at some of the words we used in our egg hunt to build sentences. If you don’t see a funny word in our list, add words you know your kids will get a kick out of. For us, one word is the magic word. And, like the book says, “Everyone poops.”
Laugh at Our Results
Take a look at what our kids said when they put some words together. Some of these sentences might be from mommy and daddy, because we had to get in on the fun too. If this seems like a fun activity, do this with your kids at home. Then, share your results with us over on Facebook and Twitter. Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog to follow our journey. Thank you for being a part of the Winey Parent family.

Early Age Books
Our kids love “potty talk” and a good reason might be from a couple books they enjoyed at an earlier age. If your kids are younger than 5 and 7, they will enjoy The Potty Book: For Girls and The Potty Book: For Boys. Not only does it help with potty training, it allows them to use words that make them laugh. Poop.

Home Activities to Engage Your Kids
We've created a list of fun activities that will help your kids be active while stuck at home.

Spring Break Activities Come Early
We drummed up some options for spring break and they're ready to be used year round.

Daily Routine for the Kids
Meghan has created a daily schedule for the kids, which can be adjusted to fit your family's needs.