We've Been Given a Great Idea
Meghan’s mom told us about a great idea – and we’re in need of ideas to keep our family entertained. Make a play and have the kids read them. How awesome does that sound? So, this little update is to share that’s what we’ll be looking to pump out in the near future. Whatever plays we write, we’ll share with you. Heck, maybe we’ll even put all of those plays together in an anthology to be read aloud from a tablet or whatever device you use. Publishing a book will be farther down the road, but it’s exciting to get those creative juices flowing. Our kids already have fantastic imaginations and love to be super silly, so it’ll be fantastic to listen to them perform!
Plays and Performances
As we see it now, these plays will be quite short. They’ll be from five to ten pages, with a few lines of dialogue on each page. Now, this may change based on the story being created, but our initial thought is “short and sweet.” Do we have any ideas of what kinds of plays we’ll be writing yet? Not even one. Just kidding. I think it’s safe to say some of these stories will have to include pirates, Scooby Doo, Mickey Mouse and crew, and space. Hey, Adelaide mentioned wanting to fly in space recently, so I’m going to take this opportunity to let her dreams come to life.
I’m sure there will be plenty of other ideas that will spring up, but for now, the idea is afoot. Oh, perhaps a Sherlock Holmes-like tale – minus the whole murdering business. One of the best things about this, I know for a fact that our kids will want to create their own once we present them with our first play. They will want to tell a story as well, which means these plays will be a family activity. Yes, these stories will include two parts, but there will also be a narrator. This means that three of the four will always be involved, and we can mix up who does what part. We could do plays with all four of us, but I figure we need at least one audience member to perform to. And if I know my kids, they’ll want to put on a show for sure.
What Do You Think About Plays for Kids?
What do you think of this idea? Has anyone else done this before? We’re going to fly by the seat of our pants with this one. This will be another exciting adventure in the life we know as parenting and we can’t wait to share it with you.
Alright, onto the drawing board. Er, the writing board.
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