Go Watch Somebody Feed Phil!
Phil Rosenthal is the reason to watch Somebody Feed Phil, and his energetic, soulful presence can connect with anyone in a profoundly meaningful way. You’ll start watching for Phil, and you’ll stick around for the heartfelt bonds he forms with other people all over the world.
With Season 4 of Somebody Feed Phil recently releasing on Netflix, Meghan and I were in need of this show. We’ve all needed Phil’s kind of goodness. Something to take the pressure off our shoulders, relinquish the stress we’ve been feeling for what seems like ages. And, if you’re like Meghan and me, and you haven’t had the opportunity to watch Somebody Feed Phil, this is your moment.
Stop reading now. Go now and watch. Make yourself feel better. I promise you; this show will make you feel better. Phil will make you feel better. Don’t worry. This article will still be here for you to come back to, but this show is more important than what I’m writing. So, go, watch, laugh, smile, and maybe cry at the magic that happens when you flip this wonderful television show on and welcome Phil into your life.
Somebody Feed Phil Fills Our Hearts
If you’re still here, you should know that Meghan and I have loved Phil for quite some time. We were fans of his earlier show on PBS, I’ll Have What Phil’s Having. We craved more after watching it. So, when we first heard of a new show coming to Netflix, I’m not sure if I can adequately express how excited we both were to have more Phil in our lives. He has that kind of effect on a person, with the ultimate joy he so openly shares with friends, strangers, and everyone sitting at home watching him enjoy food and even more food.
Fortunately, Phil Rosenthal also knows how to be resourceful and pitch his series in the best way possible: “I’m exactly like Anthony Bourdain, if he was afraid of everything.” This not only connects with people who might be nervous to try new things, it connects with everyone who wants to see someone step out of their comfort zone. Phil Rosenthal is one of those perfect beings who we can depend on to be truly sincere, all while getting completely immersed in the city and country where he’s visiting.
It doesn’t matter where he visits. There is an overwhelming sense of charm, calm, and intrigue from the beloved host, because his primary goal is to connect with people while enjoying new cuisines. Despite language barriers or difficulties with understanding accents, Phil presents the world in the most inviting way possible. Trying new things, meeting new people, stepping into a place where we might not understand the language, all of it is a wonderful chance for people to connect on a natural human level where kindness shines and the bonds of friendship can form.
Wonderful Homeschool Geography for the Kids
Not only do my wife and I LOVE this show, it’s also been adored by our kids. Not only do our kids love seeing the amazing appetite presented by Phil, they get to see his presence within different cultures as our own kids travel across the world as they traverse their Geography lessons. Both Adelaide and Marshall get to dive into various cities and countries, while getting a view of what being in a different place might look like. There is a sense of them being enamored by each video as they want to completely discover all of these new places on their own.
“I want to go there!”
“I want to try that!”
It’s a fantastic feeling to have our kids feel completely engaged with a show that provides an understanding of a world that’s completely different from what they’re used to. In our hopes, these experiences will allow them to pursue what they’ve described: “Oh, I definitely want to go there!”
Not only is Somebody Feed Phil an amazing show, one where adults can dream about visiting such delicious locations, it provides a place of dreams for everyone. Kids will have every opportunity to dive into a show that lets them explore truly remarkable cities. This family-friendly exploration will provide everyone a real-world chance to sit back and explore places we hope to visit one day ourselves, and at a time in our lives where everything is uncertain, the dream of going to these places is something great to hold onto.
Every Bit of Somebody Feed Phil is Magical
If you needed any other reason to watch this show, it’s one where you will never want to skip the intro song. In a world where instant gratification is everything, especially if it means skipping the intro, Somebody Feed Phil will be a show where you’ll always want to leave the remote control down and let the wonderful music play. It’s like Phil – irresistible.
Come on, people. Somebody Feed Phil is your guide to goodness in the world. Go and watch. Now, come on, Netflix. We need more and I think the world deserves it.
Help Phil Feed Others
Do you want to help Phil Rosenthal? Now is your chance! Get some amazing gear from philrosenthal.store and help a mighty cause!
“100% of proceeds are donated to Food Forward – a 501(C)(3) charity whose mission is to fight hunger and prevent food waste by rescuing fresh surplus produce, connecting this abundance with people in need and inspiring others to do the same.”

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