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Thinking About Gifts Early
We’re getting into the fall season and the winter holidays are inching around the corner. I’m not saying our kids have been asking for Christmas gifts at random points throughout this entire year. But, our kids have been asking for Christmas gifts at random points throughout the entire year. So, Meghan and I have made sure to jot down any and all items they’ve mentioned. I’m sure everyone relates to this and I’d love to hear what everyone is getting their kids.
It’s been an interesting year as Adelaide and Marshall start asking for different items that highlight their interests in things they might’ve learned in school. Adelaide wants a telescope since learning about the solar system, while Marshall wants a remote-controlled dog. Okay, so Marshall loves dogs and that has nothing to do with what he’s learned in school, but you get the idea. Our kids want flying toys, similar to a (Marvel) Venom toy Marshall was given for his birthday. They want jelly beans, Starburst, and Sour Patch Kids in their stockings, amongst many other candies.
What is a parent to do? We’ve already shared before that we want to spend more on experiences than toys, stuffed animals, or other items that might ultimately end up as the forever iconic, “hasn’t been touched since Christmas.” We definitely want our kids to still have a wonderful experience when they wake up in the morning and see presents under the tree.
The lights are turned on and either Christmas music or a faux fireplace on for background noise. Both our kids deserve to have that experience and we don’t want to take that away. So, it’s particularly important to try and nail the gifts we do give them.
Searching the Skies with a Telescope
We’re definitely getting Adelaide a telescope for Christmas this year. We’ve done some researching and narrowed it down to a few different options. Then, we thought, should we get something so she can actively search for stars and constellations? So, we definitely want to get this book, 50 Things To See With A Telescope – Kids: A Constellation Focused Approach. It seems like a perfect complement to a telescope. It’s sometimes hard to feel like you’re “winning” at parenting, but finding things you know your kids will truly love is a pretty special feat.
Also, it’s important to take note of those toys that are home runs. With that flying helicopter toy that Marshall got for his birthday, it has already seen enough mileage to not work so well anymore. We’ll be getting another one for sure! The big question will be if a telescope will be one of those “hits.” Meghan and I will keep you posted to see if the telescope sends our kids to the moon, or proverbially crashes and burns like a shooting star.

The Themed Birthday Party
When do we stop doing themed parties for our kids? Well, we started asking ourselves that question, and by all accounts, we don't see any end in the future.

Three-Ring Circus: The Stages of Parent Sanity
Trying to find balance in our busy lives is possibly the most difficult thing.

The Start of Something Special
Meghan is braver than I could ever hope to be. I wanted this, but I was so afraid of failing our family by not bringing in a steady income. I didn’t want to be that burden. And I still don’t.