Our Go-To Show: The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory (TBBT) aired its series finale on Thursday, May 16 and it’s the end of an era. Twelve seasons with some spectacular characters, and now, what are Meghan and I to do? This has been one of only a few shows that we stay current on. As many parents know, staying up-to-date on network television is not easy. We haven’t had cable for six or seven years – saving money, check! – so we sometimes rely on networks to replay episodes to catch back up. For that reason alone, it’s easy to explain why we’re only current with a couple of shows, a la TBBT, Survivor, and if I’m lucky (which I’m not this season), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
So, The Big Bang Theory ends its run with a spectacular hour-long season finale. It was such a touching tribute to characters that have developed over the course of those years, proving that change is a difficult and critical part of life. What makes a great show that we want to follow? How about a cast that seems to truly love being on set together? For me, I love knowing that there’s such positive energy and wonderful camaraderie and I feel that translates well to the finished product. Talking about finished product, can anyone say they made it through that final episode without shedding a tear? I’m not crying you’re crying!
Now What?
Now that this season and the entire series is over for The Big Bang Theory, what should we watch now, especially with summer on the horizon? Let’s also not forget that Survivor just wrapped its 38th season and it won’t be back on until the Fall arrives. Also, I’m already two episodes behind Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (ugh!). Whether it’s a show on one of the network channels, Amazon Prime, or Netflix, what shows should we get into next?
Just a quick background, we love watching “true crime” shows. We also really enjoyed Arrow and The Flash, until we couldn’t keep up with the three or four show crossovers. We’ll eventually get back to it, but probably not anytime soon. We have seen the first couple seasons of other shows like The Good Place, The Great British Baking Show, and we still haven’t watched the final season of Bones.
What do we recommend for our Winey Parent friends? Although we haven’t stayed current with the first season of The Neighborhood, we’d definitely recommend that to anyone that wants a good laugh. If we can catch back up on this season, this will be our new go-to show to stay current on moving forward. Tell us what show we must watch because it’s too good to miss! Share your thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to head over to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to follow along as we’ll keep you updated on any new shows we start watching.
Thanks for sharing your favorite shows with us!

Our Family Summer Bucket List
We have a lot of things on our bucket list for this summer. Our goal is to check off as many as we can.

Video Chats + GIFs = A Fun Mom Date
Play a virtual mom date with your friends and you won't be disappointed. Check out my latest virtual mom date and see how easy it is to have fun with friends, even when they don't live so close.