Summer List of Activities
The unofficial start of summer is here! That means we can start checking off bucket list items. Today we have checked off three, and it isn’t even noon! I wanted to get the kids out of the house for a bit, and since it is a beautiful, breezy day, we went for a walk to a playground near our house that also has a large fenced in grassy field—perfect for flying kites.
- Take a walk √
- Playground count—1 √
- Fly a kite √
A few things about today’s activities: One, my kids are whiny. Two, flying kites with small children is not fun (and should come with an adult beverage and a teenager that likes to run around with children). Three, my kids need to walk more!!!
Flying Kites
I started out this adventure by packing some snacks and drinks (can’t go anywhere with out them!) and grabbing the kids’ kites. As soon as they saw the kites, they were beyond excited! I sent them to the bathroom and then had them put on tennis shoes. The walk was only about 5-10 minutes, but involved a steep hill, commence the whining. Once we got to the playground, I set them off to play on the actual playground while I started work on assembling the kites. That was easy enough.
Here’s where the real fun (note the sarcasm) comes; flying the kites. Marshall grabbed his first and instantly got it airborne, but let too much string out and it dive bombed into the ground, where he proceeded to drag it for several feet across the playground, through the mulch and around a few poles. Meanwhile I’m screaming STOP and trying to get Adelaide’s kite assembled. I get Adelaide set to fly and then head over to reel in the string on Marshall’s kite to untangle it from the various obstacles. So, ultimately, rinse, repeat with both kids over and over.
Flying Kites and Beyond
Overall, it was a short one-hour outing. The kids had fun and we checked off some bucket list items. Plus, I learned that I need help when we fly kites again. Last year we only had one kite so I didn’t have to divide and conquer two kids with kites.
So, even though I didn’t have that much fun, the kids did, and in the end that’s what matters. I need to put on my big girl pants, and a smile (and maybe a drink, though probably not at 10:00 am), and make memories with my kids. Later in the day, we knocked off a couple more bucket list items by playing in the sprinkler and blowing bubbles with cousins at Nana and Pop-Rod’s house!
What are you planning on doing to make memories with your kids this summer? As you can see, it doesn’t have to be grand, expensive plans. Put on your big kid pants and have some fun with the kiddos! Don’t forget to share your thoughts with us and you can join our community by following us on Facebook.

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