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Water Play for Summer Fun

Water Play for Summer Fun

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Memories of Water Play in the Summer

It’s almost summertime! The weather is finally warming up and if you are looking to stay cool without cranking the air conditioning or spending a fortune on a pool membership, then the sprinkler is probably your best bet.

Who else remembers running through the sprinkler on a hot day as a kid? I sure do! I loved the kind that would go back and forth. It was much kinder than the one that shot like a jet in a circle. (Can you tell I am very technical on the names of these things?) Well, kids these days have so many options when it comes to sprinklers, and they are relatively inexpensive, so check them out!

Plenty of Options for Your Outdoor Space

This past weekend we broke out our sprinkler (with multiple hoses) and the kids had hours of fun with it in the front yard, while mom and dad relaxed with a drink. But we also have a giant splash beach ball and a splash pad. Of course, you can also go the route of slip and slide. Our kids had so much fun slipping and sliding last summer. They aren’t quite old enough or brave enough to hurl themselves into the ground yet, so I just set it up on the hill to assist with the slide part!

This summer our goal is to keep the AC temps as high as possible to save money, so we will be utilizing all the water play that we can. There will also be a few days where will be helping our neighbors fill in the summer day camp gap, so we will have extra kids to entertain. One of the best ways to keep kids entertained and cool in the summer is to set up some water play! All of the sprinklers and water toys I have listed above are relatively inexpensive, so go ahead and grab a couple to keep things new and exciting! If you really want to splurge, my mom friend has an inflatable water slide and the kids lose their minds over it, Every. Single. Time!

Water Play is Also Fun for Mommy

If you’re looking for the simplest option, my kids also enjoy when I turn the hose on them and spray them with the jets while they try to run away. And I’m not going to lie, that might be enjoyable for mom too! Share your favorite water activities with us and you can also share with the Winey Parent community over on Facebook.

Must Have for Summer Road Trips

Jack Johnson is king for car rides. It was especially true when Marshall was a baby!

Summer Bucket List for the Family

We created a HUGE list for this summer. Check out what we have and see if they might be fun options for your family!

What Are We Going to Watch Now?

The Big Bang Theory is over and now we don't know what our next go-to show will be.

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