The Best Peaches in the World
Summer vacation for me is almost over, so I’m trying to squeeze in as much fun as I can before I head back to work. This morning the kids and I took off for Larriland Farms to pick our own peaches. I woke up craving peaches and for something to do with my kids. The obvious choice was to hop in the car and head to the farm.
We picked almost half a bushel of peaches and they are AH-MAZING! I’ve already had 3 myself and we haven’t even been home 2 hours. I’m also working on a peach galette and may (read: DEFINITELY) be in the market for some more peach recipes!
The kids had a blast, despite the itchy grass. They learned how to find good peaches (there had been 2 hail storms earlier in the season, so there were a lot of peaches with nicks and damage to them). They also learned the importance of handling the peaches gently, so they don’t bruise. Next up they will learn how to prepare those bad boys for the freezer, so mommy doesn’t have to do all the work!
Other Picking Opportunities
Are there any “pick-your-own” farms near you? What does your family like to pick and have an abundance of? Do you have any favorite peach recipes (please share, pretty please!)? How about apple recipes? Honeycrisp apples will be ready for picking and we might have to head back out to Larriland Farms soon!

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
The school year is here and we're getting ready by making a lot of PB&J sandwiches.

What Fall TV Should We Watch?
With another new cycle of shows starting this fall, what TV shows do you think we should watch?

The Art of Learning to Read: A Teacher’s Guide
As a teacher, there are things I do in school to lay the foundation for reading that you can also do at home. The first thing we do each year, after learning the routines of school, is to learn how to handle books.