Trying to Find Balance
Last weekend Travis and I set out to do something just for the kids. This quarantine has been hard on everyone, but so often we forget that our littles are used to being around friends and teachers ALL. DAY. LONG. And now they are home ALL. DAY. LONG.
So, I was finally able to procure some flour and yeast from a local restaurant and the kids and I started Sunday morning baking. They have been wanting to bake, but I have been low on flour and yeast and scared that I was going to need to make bread for sandwiches or something. Anyway, I digress. I now have flour and yeast and the kids started off by making 2 ingredient dough (seriously, a cup of self-rising flour and a cup of Greek yogurt). They made that dough into bagels and sprinkled on the everything bagel seasoning I have. DELICIOUS breakfast. Then we did a little clean up and I had the kids (well Adelaide-Marsh was too busy on one of his online classes) help me make soft pretzels. We used this recipe and they were seriously the BEST soft pretzels we have ever eaten.
Make Your Kids Happy with Trolls
All this was BEFORE lunch. Lunch ended up being a picnic of soft pretzels and cotton candy on the floor while we watched Trolls World Tour. We decided a while ago that we were going to go to the movies to see the new Trolls movie when it came out. Then the pandemic hit and the movie theaters closed. So when it was offered up on Amazon Prime to rent, we decided it actually costs less to rent it than it would have to take our family of 4 to the movies.
I’ve got to be honest, I liked the first Trolls movie better, but this movie was super cute too! Marsh was a little scared of Barb, but a snuggle from Daddy helped him through the movie.
Later that day we had the kids help us plan out the next couple of week’s meals. They loved the power of being able to have input on our meals. I loved not having to figure out what to cobble together with the pantry items. That’s a win-win!
So, how can you make your kids’ day during quarantine? It doesn’t have to be baking all day, or renting a movie, but just spend time with them. Not just with them but devoted to them. I am so guilty of being in the room, but not actually devoting my time to the kids. I’m busy working from home, or trying to figure out what meals to make, or doing housework, or trying to figure out the plan for school next year, that I just don’t pay attention enough. So, we decided to make it about them. That’s the key folks. Make it about them and not about what you have to do, or want to do—it’s about what they want to do!
Share Your Fun Moments
What fun activities have your kids enjoyed? I would love it if everyone could share so that we have a place to go for new ideas. Because, let’s be honest, I am running out of mental capacity to come up with anything else!
Stay safe, stay sane, and have some fun!

Best Family Game of 2020
Kids Create Absurdity is an instant hit in our household!!

Preparing for the Unknown Future
We're doing what we can to normalize our kids' lives. So, we've added a simple solution to let them gain added independence. This has been a game changer!

What Does a Week Look Like Now?
We recently cataloged a week in our life to show how we're dealing with staying at home. Life isn't easy, but we're still trying to make things fun for our kids.