Our First Draft Together for Survivor Season 40
Hi, friends. Meghan and I are here to introduce our first ever draft together as a couple. We’ve drafted players for the upcoming Survivor Season 40: Winners at War. This fun little project definitely comes with a bunch of caveats, but I’m here to breakdown our process. You can listen to my first solo podcast in the video above, and I also breakdown what we did for our draft below.
First, I have not seen every season of Survivor. I’ve seen most, but have not seen all of Seasons 4, 5, and 8 through 11. After watching some of the earlier seasons live, and catching glimpses of those earlier seasons, I started watching each week with Season 21. I used Amazon Prime to catch back up with Seasons 12 through 20 after Season 21.
Meghan started watching Survivor with me during Season 33, Millennials vs. Gen-X. She doesn’t know many of the players of Season 40, but I’ve tried to help by showing video clips and making notes for her. Most of my notes have come from insights from interviews, and especially podcasts on robhasawebsite.com. Rob Has A Podcast (RHAP) has many different podcasts, including coverage of Survivor. And during the Survivor season, it’s my go-to podcast, especially “Know-It-Alls” and “Why X Lost.”
The Order of Things
Our draft was done in standard snake order. Although Survivor can be completely unpredictable and even the most knowledgeable podcasters, fans, and players can be wrong with their insights, choosing who went first was easy – I asked Meghan who should go first. She wanted me to go first, so she could get the next two picks.
I will show our draft order below. And, I think Meghan might have the best team. She got Wendell and Kim with her third and fourth picks. Yes, we picked all of the players, so someone will get penalized for the first boot. But, first thing’s first. Let’s discuss the scoring system we created.
First Boot: -3 points
Most Confessionals, per episode: +1 point
Finding an Idol: +1 point
Correctly Plays Idol: +1 point
Make the Merge: +1 point
Win Individual Immunity: +1 point
Sits Individual Immunity Out (for food/advantage of some kind)/Gets Voted Out: -1 point
Sits Individual Immunity Out/Stays In: +1 point
Loses a Rock Draw: -1 point
Survives a Rock Draw: +1 point
Make the Finals: +1 point
Final Three Picks: +3 points
Secondary Winner Pick: +1 point
Winner Pick: +5 points
Our point system was generated to create as many point opportunities as possible for Survivor Season 40. Survivor is crazy, fun, and unpredictable. It’s never clear how a tribe will react to players and alliances that form. So, I wanted to provide a system that accounts for those crazy moments. We do have a “secondary winner pick” for points. The season is full of potential winners, so it gives us a chance for extra points. For our winner picks, we chose players from the list of players we drafted. So, that should be clear – our winners, final three, and second pick all came from the players on our team.
Our Survivor Season 40 Draft
Now, onto the teams for Survivor Season 40. First off, we have Meghan’s team — Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better. Next, my team should say it all — My Wife Is Right. I will list the players from first pick to last picked, so you will notice I picked first and last. Here we go!
1. Jeremy Collins —Travis
2. Danni Boatwright — Meghan
3. Yul Kwon — Meghan
4. Tyson Apostol — Travis
5. Michele Fitzgerald — Travis
6. Wendell Holland — Meghan
7. Kim Spradlin-Wolfe — Meghan
8. Boston Rob Mariano — Travis
9. Parvati Shallow — Travis
10. Ben Driebergen — Meghan
11. Sophie Clarke — Meghan
12. Natalie Anderson — Travis
13. Amber Mariano — Travis
14. Ethan Zohn — Meghan
15. Nick Wilson — Meghan
16. Denise Stapley — Travis
17. Tony Vlachos — Travis
18. Sandra Diaz-Twine — Meghan
19. Adam Klein — Meghan
20. Sarah Lacina — Travis
That’s the order and here’s the breakdown, team-by-team:
Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better
Danni Boatwright
Yul Kwon
Wendell Holland
Kim Spradlin-Wolfe
Ben Driebergen
Sophie Clarke
Ethan Zohn
Nick Wilson
Sandra Diaz-Twine
Adam Klein
My Wife Is Right
Jeremy Collins
Tyson Apostol
Michele Fitzgerald
Boston Rob
Parvati Shallow
Natalie Anderson
Amber Mariano
Denise Stapley
Tony Vlachos
Sarah Lacina
Share Your Thoughts on Survivor Season 40
This was an incredibly fun and challenging draft. Meghan made her picks quick and easy, while (after my first pick with Jeremy) labored over each and every pick. I’ll be tracking each episode to gather points as Season 40 goes along, so stay tuned for week-to-week updates. Don’t worry, I fully expect my team name to be right and see Meghan come out on top.
Who has the best team heading into Survivor Season 40? Share your favorites with us too! Who are your favorite players? Who is your winner pick? Which player would you pick as your second winner pick? Let us know which team is the best, and don’t forget to share with us over on Facebook and Twitter.

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