A Podcast About Whatever From Whomever
Travis will be talking about a variety of subjects on our new Winey Parent podcast. If you don’t enjoy falling asleep to the sound of his voice, you’ll dig his thoughts on parenting, geeky things, or shows like Survivor or Fringe.
Follow our blog for all updated content, including our Laughing As We Go series that includes podcast and vlog episodes. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep tabs on every single episode we release.

Podcast: Survivor 40 Episode 13 Highlights
This two-hour episode sees two players leave the game, with one group taking control of the game.

Podcast: Survivor 40 Episode 12 Highlights
The season continues to wind down with another blindside, and another great player leaves the game.

Podcast: Survivor 40 Episode 11 Highlights
This week's highlights are all about one player, with a stunning blindside pulled off.

Podcast: Survivor 40 Episode 10 Highlights
Travis shares his top three highlights for the family visit episode of Survivor: Winners at War.

Podcast: Survivor 40 Episode 9 Highlights
A classic challenge and a wild ride leading up to tribal council might make the top highlights from this episode.

Podcast: Survivor 40 Episode 8 Highlights
The merge episode is full of shifts in deciding who gets voted off.

Podcast: Survivor 40 Episode 7 Highlights
Another fan favorite is voted out and Travis makes another "brilliant" prediction.

Podcast: Survivor 40 Episode 6 Highlights
A crazy episode that includes one of the biggest moves in the game.

Podcast: Survivor 40 Episode 5 Highlights
Travis gives three highlights, but points out that there's really only one that matters.

Podcast: Survivor 40 Episode 4 Highlights
Episode 4 of Survivor is in the books, but Travis shares his highlights. He also makes a prediction leading to a swap.

Podcast: Survivor 40 Episode 3 Highlights
A popular player is sent home in the third episode of Survivor Season 40. Are there any highlights to cover after a crazy spin at tribal council?

Podcast: Survivor 40 Episode 2 Highlights
Travis breaks down his thoughts on the second episode from Survivor Season 40: Winners at War.

Podcast: Survivor 40 Premiere Highlights
It's all about the first episode from the Survivor season fans have been waiting for.

Podcast: Survivor 40 Draft
Meghan and Travis create a draft for Survivor Season 40. It's their first draft together, but will it be their last?

FRINGE Season 1 Episode 7 Recap
The Fringe team races to find a cure to save an agent's life.

FRINGE Season 1 Episode 6 Recap
Olivia's backstory comes to light as the Fringe team investigate a devastating experiment gone wrong.

FRINGE Season 1 Episode 5 Recap
Walter's personality shines, while two different stories drive this episode.

FRINGE Season 1 Episode 4 Recap
Travis breaks down one of his all-time favorite episodes of TV.

FRINGE Season 1 Episode 3 Recap
Travis shares one of the most unique moments in television as he shares his thoughts on episode 3 of Fringe.

FRINGE Season 1 Episode 2 Recap
Travis takes a look at the second episode in the first season of the hit series Fringe.

A Winey Parent Take: FRINGE
The one show that Travis might consider as topping his all-time favorite of Star Trek: The Next Generation goes to Fringe. He shares his thoughts on a stellar pilot episode.

A Winey Parent Talk
Travis shares his thoughts and fears in some Winey Parent Talk. So, hopefully this will provide solace to anyone needing comfort during these difficult times.